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Product Updates

April Release Notes 2023

Welcome to the April product updates blog. Take advantage of some great opportunities to become more self-sufficient with your data migrations.

Featured Update of the Month

[Microsoft Dynamics] Added automatic 'field creation' feature

Our team put a lot of focus into our Microsoft Dynamics connector over the past month. The first big update is that you can now automatically create fields in Microsoft Dynamics right from our app! 🥳

The following field types are supported:

Date Only
Date and Time
Decimal Number
Floating Point Number
Multiple Lines of Text
MultiSelect Option Set
Option Set
Single Line of Text / Email
Single Line of Text / Phone
Single Line of Text / Rich Text
Single Line of Text / Text
Single Line of Text / Text Area
Single Line of Text / Ticker Symbol
Single Line of Text / URL
Two Options
Whole Number / Duration
Whole Number / Language
Whole Number / Time Zone
Whole Number





[Microsoft Dynamics] Added ability to create Users via our app

Users can now be directly created from the Trujay app! No more needing to leave the mapping page to add your list of users in the system manually 👥


[Microsoft Dynamics] Added full support for all object associations/relations

We're getting a bit nerdy with this one 🤓, but we now automatically capture object associations within Microsoft Dynamics for all objects - native and custom. Yay!


[Salesforce] Added full support for Tags for all applicable objects

Trujay now supports migrating Tags for all Salesforce objects where the functionality exists! 🏷️


Missing a feature?

Anything you're missing in our product? Drop us a message here to let us know! 💌


Noah Hendricks

Noah Hendricks

When not knee-deep in his vegetable garden, wrestling with weeds, Noah can be found daydreaming about engaged and happy customers who never have to worry about their CRM because it’s working for them, not against them.

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